

To stay at the forefront of the newest technologies and requirements, we maintain memberships in various professional organizations. As "knowledge" is of crucial importance to remain a global player.


VDMA, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer
(Association of German Machine & Equipment Builders)
By active participation in the National Association of the Sanitary Industry (AGSI) we remain in dialogue with industry experts and have a direct influence on research and development results.
Furthermore, we use the provided statistics and surveys to assess the current market situation in the field of mechanical engineering.


VDE, Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik e.V.
(Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies)
We actively use the network of the VDE for product approvals, especially to get permission to use the ENEC mark on our products. Furthermore the VDE represents a pool of information for the topics such as standardization, science, research and continuing education in the electrical engineering se

industriekreis Düsseldorf

Industriekreis Düsseldorf
Regionally we are also engaged on topics related to our business location such as infrastructure, energy efficiency, human resources development and education.

A. u. K. Müller Logo

A.K. Muller (UK) Ltd.
Unit 4, Brookside Business Park
Brookside Avenue, Rustington
GB - West Sussex BN16 3LP

Tel: +44 1903 788 888
Fax:+44 1903 785 817

E-Mail: valves@akmuller.co.uk


A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Dresdener Straße 162
D - 40595 Düsseldorf 

Telefon: +49 211 73 91-0
Telefax: +49 211 73 91-281

E-Mail: info@akmueller.de


A.K. Müller France
10 Avenue du Gué Langlois
Z.A.E du Gué Langlois
F-77600  Bussy Saint Martin

Telefon: +33 1 64 62 95 14
Telefax: +33 1 64 62 95 12

E-Mail: info@akmuller.fr



A. u. K. Müller Shanghai
Rm26D, Huadu Mansion,
Zhangyang Rd. 838,
Shanghai, 200122, China

Telefon: +86 21 50 34 23 61
Telefax:  +86 21 58 20 42 12

E-Mail: info@akmueller.de



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