Environmental Policy

A K Muller (UK) Ltd recognizes that its day-to-day operations and products have an effect on the environment.  The company is fully committed to minimizing waste and any harmful effects of its actions and products in accordance with sound environmental practices.

We will achieve this by:

  • Minimizing the consumption of natural resources and energy, whilst consuming material goods in moderation.
  • Reducing the creation of waste by the adoption of improved operating practices and the recycling of materials whenever practical.
  • Ensuring all waste is disposed of in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Complying with environmental legislation.
  • Analyzing fully the environmental impact of future products, processes, procedures and locations prior to purchase, implementation or use.
  • Ensuring full participation and commitment of all employees in adhering to our environmental standards via relevant training.
  • Encouraging employees to be proactive in the maintenance and further development of the company environmental management system.
  • Co-operating and liaising with customers, suppliers, the public and other relevant parties on all relevant environmental issues.

This policy is to be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its continuing effectiveness.


A. u. K. Müller Logo

A.K. Muller (UK) Ltd.
Unit 4, Brookside Business Park
Brookside Avenue, Rustington
GB - West Sussex BN16 3LP

Tel: +44 1903 788 888
Fax:+44 1903 785 817

E-Mail: valves@akmuller.co.uk


A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Dresdener Straße 162
D - 40595 Düsseldorf 

Telefon: +49 211 73 91-0
Telefax: +49 211 73 91-281

E-Mail: info@akmueller.de


A.K. Müller France
10 Avenue du Gué Langlois
Z.A.E du Gué Langlois
F-77600  Bussy Saint Martin

Telefon: +33 1 64 62 95 14
Telefax: +33 1 64 62 95 12

E-Mail: info@akmuller.fr



A. u. K. Müller Shanghai
Rm26D, Huadu Mansion,
Zhangyang Rd. 838,
Shanghai, 200122, China

Telefon: +86 21 50 34 23 61
Telefax:  +86 21 58 20 42 12

E-Mail: info@akmueller.de



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