Lever valves from A. u. K. Müller

Lever valves are direct-acting and are suitable for metering, mixing and shutting off neutral gases and liquids, as well as for emptying containers.  They can be used for a wide pressure and flow range with a compact design and offer a decisive hygiene advantage due to the strict separation of the media. A. u. K. Müller lever valves are also approved for drinking water and are characterised by their low energy consumption.

Due to these features, lever valves are suitable for a wide range of applications, e.g. in vending machines, welding equipment, industrial applications or in medical and laboratory technology.

Advantages of lever valves

Lever valves have few deflections in the media paths, giving them a low flow resistance.

The plunger of the solenoid circuit is separated from the medium and acts on a lever which moves the closing element (annular diaphragm) via a pivot point. The separation of the media prevents any suspended matter in the medium from blocking or damaging the valve's solenoid system.

The simple design of the valve reduces the number of components that are susceptible to wear. Metal components do not come into contact with the medium. This makes the valves suitable for switching light acids and bases, as well as alcohol and cleaning agents. (Please clarify the material compatibility individually with us)

Due to the low dead space, only very little medium remains in the valve body - a clear advantage with regard to thorough cleaning and disinfection.

The advantages in summary:

  • solenoid system has no media contact: Avoids mechanical disturbances
  • Hygiene advantage due to the strict media separation
  • Low wear
  • reduced dead space ensures that little medium remains in the valve body
  • Low power consumption
  • minimal heat transfer to the medium


Are you looking for a valve that is specially tailored to your application? As a developer and producer, we look forward to your individual enquiry! Simply call us at +44 1903 788 888 or use the contact form below.


Technical inquiry

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A.K. Muller (UK) Ltd.
Unit 4, Brookside Business Park
Brookside Avenue, Rustington
GB - West Sussex BN16 3LP

Tel: +44 1903 788 888
Fax:+44 1903 785 817

E-Mail: valves@akmuller.co.uk


A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Dresdener Straße 162
D - 40595 Düsseldorf 

Telefon: +49 211 73 91-0
Telefax: +49 211 73 91-281

E-Mail: info@akmueller.de


A.K. Müller France
10 Avenue du Gué Langlois
Z.A.E du Gué Langlois
F-77600  Bussy Saint Martin

Telefon: +33 1 64 62 95 14
Telefax: +33 1 64 62 95 12

E-Mail: info@akmuller.fr



A. u. K. Müller Shanghai
Rm26D, Huadu Mansion,
Zhangyang Rd. 838,
Shanghai, 200122, China

Telefon: +86 21 50 34 23 61
Telefax:  +86 21 58 20 42 12

E-Mail: info@akmueller.de



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